Our tips to make money during the holidays!

Over the years, as wedding photographers, you know we noticed that December isn’t the most popular month for weddings, so we both had to get creative in our businesses if we wanted to make a little extra cash for the holidays! Here are a few of our tips to grow your biz and make money during this holiday season.

Print Sales

Creating a discount code with a deadline, so clients can order prints, frames, holiday cards, ornaments, etc before Christmas (so they have time to get their holiday cards sent out). This also can apply for anything physical you can sell- so for photographers, so other ideas are folios, USBs, keepsake boxes, etc).

Album Sales

Make sure you set holiday deadlines if you use a middle man album vendor that creates the book for you because you want to give yourself enough time to create the book, go back and forth with the client making adjustments thru cloud proofing, and then submitting the albums to the album vendor and then allowing for the process for them to make the book and ship it. Parents albums are a great gift for the holidays. Also, offering a gift to go along with an album purchase can spike interest with potential clients for these - make it feel like they’re getting a deal if you can’t afford to discount the books

Holiday Mini Sessions

If you are a photographer or are involved in the photography world, you’ve probably heard the term “mini session” before. If you haven’t heard of the term before, it’s essentially picking one or two days where you are shooting a bunch of shorter sessions at once. Holiday mini sessions are great to do for a bunch of families at once, which can be advertised as photos for holiday cards.

Giftcard or a Discount on sessions for next year

Another great incentive is to offer giftcards or discounts for clients on sessions for the following year. If a client books a session with you in between a specific time, they can get a discount on a future session, wedding, etc. This incentive can help bring in more clients for the new year!

Julia Poole