Episode 23 - The Importance of Client Gifting with CEO of Greetabl Joe Fischer


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Today on the podcast we have a special guest: Joe Fischer. Joe is the CEO of Greetabl - a thoughtful and affordable way to send a personalized gift, complete with personalized pictures and a personalized message. Greetabl can be used for both personal and professional times where you need a cute gift. Joe will talk with us today about how he came up with Greetabl, the importance of client gifting, what makes Greetabl different, being a CEO, and more!

EC: Can you explain what Greetabl is?

Joe: Greetabl is all about making connections and relationships. We view our role as a conduit - we are allowing two people to come closer together. With Greetabl, you can send out little gifts and cards that are inexpensive yet thought-worthy. It’s a balance of meaningful personalization but very easy to create. Customers have told us they almost feel guilty with how easy it is to make and send the gift online.

EC: Why gift clients?

Joe: Gifting clients is for people who want to grow their business. If you aren’t gifting clients and looking to scale your business, you are missing out! In business, you are doing business with other people. If you don’t have strong relationships with other people in business, you can’t be successful. Whether it’s a photographer, real estate agent, financial advisor, the ones that are so obviously crushing it are always the ones that are using Greetabl for gifting. I did a survey of our clients, and one of the questions I asked was “is Greetabl an investment or expense?”. The response was primarily investment,

EC: How does Greetabl set itself apart from other companies?

Joe: The product itself is classy yet whimsical. The price-point is great, without sacrificing quality. We also have an incredible customer service team and taking care of our customers on a one to one basis. Lastly, you are able to customize and personalize your gifts without spending a lot of time doing that.

EC: Tell us about the early days of what building the brand looked like.

Joe: One of the things we got right from day one was listening to our customers and their needs. The most important thing is making sure the experience for the recipient was streamlined. It was just me in the early days; I knew from the jump design was very important. I can see good design and appreciate it, but I can’t do it. In the beginning I was looking for a designer and ended up finding one who became a co-founder for the company.

EC: How was Greetabl grown over the years?
Joe: The first few years were definitely a little tough. The product was not the quality we exactly wanted yet. Covid definitely created a lot of demand for us, especially during lockdown. Our team has grown and shrunk over the years, and we definitely had “shiny object” syndrome. We see the best results when we get really focused on a particular initiative or channel, so we constantly have to ask ourselves if we are trying to do too much. The answer is usually always yes. You want to take care of everyone and do everything you can, but we haven’t always had that bandwidth.

EC: What is your favorite part and hardest part of being a CEO?

Joe: I think the hardest part is that you feel alone sometimes. At the end of the day, you are the CEO and so it ends with you. I just recently started talking to a business coach which has been super helpful. I’m realizing that you can’t undervalue yourself, and you need that wall to bounce ideas off of. One of my favorite parts is when I can observe my team doing amazing work where I am not involved. There’s something about it that is intangible and I am unable to express, but it feels like you gave birth to something that is able to exist without you.

EC: How do you define the difference between a CEO and a COO personality?

Joe: The skill set of both are the same, but you are indexed differently. The CEO is indexed towards thinking about the future, looking around corners, work best on communicating what is in their head. The COO needs to focus more on communicating to other people, and tending to the needs of others. The two need to work together, but still have those two separate

EC: What would your advice be to someone who wants to grow their business?

Joe: You will learn as you go. There’s so many resources, people wanting to help, but the most important thing is to be discerning with who you listen to and take advice from. Not everyone is talking about the exact kind of business you want to build. It’s great to have mentors and resources, but be wary of advice— it’s not that that person has bad intentions, but they may have had a different experience than you.

You can head to greetabl.com to start building your first gift for FREE today. Be sure to email the code “EQUIPPED CREATIVES” to hello@greetabl.com after you place your first order!


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