Episode 24 - Entrepreneurship Journey with Evie Rupp


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Today we have an incredible guest that we’re sure you’re already familiar with: Evie Rupp. Evie is the Co owner of The Heart University and the CEO of Evie Swim (a sustainable swim line), an elopement photographer, and shes also a podcaster over at the heart and hustle podcast. We covered SO much on today's episode including topics like: branding, marketing, juggling multiple start ups, being in a saturing market, overcoming failures, staying motivated, work life balance, & more. Evie just shared tons of goodness with us today and we’re so excited for you to hear so let's dive right in. 

EC: How did you go from being a Wedding and Elopement photographer and becoming a serial entrepreneur?

Evie: When I started my photography business, I never had this 5 or 10 year plan of what exactly I was going to do within the photography space. Everything just kind of happened one after the other. I fell in love with wedding and elopement photography, and was barely profiting at first. However, my business went from hobby to professional and full time very quickly. I found that a lot of photographers began asking me all of these questions about my business, and I started answering these questions and I knew how to help them reach their desired goals. It started as I want to help other photographers seek growth, and that’s how the education business started. I ended up asking a girl who I only met in person once if she wanted to start this education business with me. She was hesitant at first, but I told her to sit on it for a little because I knew it was going to happen. Each business I’ve created came from a gap in the industry and my passion to serve others.

EC: What are your favorite parts of being in a business partnership?

Evie: There is something so special in doing business with your best friend, and someone who can share the lows, the stress, the victories. If you choose the right person, it can be literal bliss. Lindsay and I click on our world views, our work life balance, our goals and desires, our values, everything. It’s the best thing in the world.

EC: How important is it to you to post on social media? Is there ever a situation where posting your face is not a good idea?

Evie: Personal branding is so powerful because it is introducing a secret sauce to your marketing that no one else has, which is you. Not everyone wants their face attached to their brand, and I totally understand that. However, it is a very powerful tool that we can utilize to some of our branding. For many entrepreneurs, they can leverage a lot of power that comes with personal branding. However, there is definitely a time that is poor to brand yourself. You want to create a connection with others and invite them into friendship with you, but not be me-focused. There’s a way to sprinkle yourself in, but still give inspiration, insight, and value to your clients.

EC: How do you set yourself apart in a saturated market?

Evie: What’s going to set you apart is YOU. Your energy, your priorities, values, everything. When choosing my own wedding photographer, I wanted a photographer who shared my values and could capture our emotion. Infuse yourself and your heart into your brand and that will show to clients. Your clients will connect to you because of the way you tell stories through your work, what lights you up, the way you’ve poured into them, your delivery of the product or service. Your clients will connect with that way faster than a single image.

EC: What inspired you to start Evie Swim?
Evie: Starting Evie Swim was such an interesting journey. I felt like I couldn’t find modest yet attractive swimwear. My mission and purpose was to help women feel excited to get outside and feel beautiful. It’s been my most challenging business to date - the fashion industry can be a hot mess express! But hearing that women are feeling confident in this swimwear is my heart behind all of it.

EC: How do you keep your work life balance while running multiple businesses?

Evie: As my businesses have grown, managing my time has become more serious. I’ve re-learned it every time I’ve launched a new business and now in this season of just getting married. Having clarity on where your businesses are going, what is going on in your businesses, and how they are growing is so important. I have a system in place of creating that clarity in my head, and knowing how to follow through with this self discipline. You need to have a strategic plan of thinking what is most important vs. what is not.

EC: How do you stay motivated to keep all of your businesses going?

Evie: I don’t believe I am motivated all the time however, I am pretty self disciplined which has come from years of practice. Motivation is a feeling that comes and goes; some days you’re overflowing with it and other days you don’t have it at all. Discipline is a muscle you strengthen over time whether you have motivation or not. What’s been my driving force is being plugged into the Lord and wanting to steward each season really well. I want to glorify God in everything I’m doing whether I’m feeling bored or overwhelmed or exhausted.

You can find Evie on her personal page @evierupp, @theheartuniversity @evieswim, and evelyngrace.com.


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