Episode 49- How to Make The Most of the Location You Live In As a Photographer


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Today, me (Toni) will be your solo host as I am jumping into the topic of making the most out of your location! I am so excited to be chatting with you today about how to make the most of the location you live in as a photographer. If you don’t already know, I live on the east coast in Pennsylvania just outside of Philly. I would say that the area I live in is pretty and me and my husband and our families like to live here, but it’s not anything crazy scenic around. I would say that I have not had the advantage as some photographers such as Julia who lives in Hawaii, one of if not the most beautiful state, to photograph in locations that just make it easier to get beautiful photos featuring gorgeous landscapes. I’ve really had to tap into getting creative and focus on making the most out of my sessions when it comes to shooting where I live vs. shooting in an area with big mountains or crystal blue waters. So if you don’t live near the beach or the mountains or really anywhere quote on quote special or scenic to photograph like me, but you want to learn how to make the most out of the location you’re in, then this episode is for you! 

A few takeaway advantages as to why it is beneficial to living in a less "“picturesque” area:

  1. See this as an advantage as a photographer instead of a disadvantage BECAUSE it makes you a better creator

  2. Creators have to be creative and this truly allows you to tap into your creativity if your background is harder to shoot or not as asestic to shoot. Remember that it’s EASIER to take photos in a gorgeous place, but it may not stretch you as an artist as much 

  3. If you can shoot in a “bad” location, then you can shoot anywhere - not always the other way around 

  4. Make it about photographing the connection vs the scenery 

  5. Research your favorite places to shoot - spend time location scouting and recommend the places you want to shoot to your clients. Educate them and do it in your favor!

  6. This kind of goes for ANYWHERE you live, even hawaii— but it’s so important for every photographer to present themselves as the experts on all fronts when it comes to the shoot - obviously this applies more to shoot locations for engagement shoots, family shoots, portraits, etc. vs weddings bc weddings are going to be at wherever the client books their venue and you don’t have much say in where to take photos that day other than their venue location obviously, but for all other shoots its helpful and apart of a good client experience if you help in the guidance of knowing where the best places are in your area to shoot.

  7. This may sound obvious,  but shoot at the right times - focus on scheduling your shoots during golden hour or sunrise because good lighting makes EVERYTHING and everyone just look so much better

  8. With every shoot or wedding that you do - even if its not an aesthetic that you love - try to take at least a handful of photos, even if its just ONE, that is FOR YOU. 

  9. Set up shoots that curate the vibe that you like - you can do this with any location! Even setting  up a styled shoot at a venue that you want to shoot more at is in that same category of making the most of where you live because even in basic PA there are gorgeous venues that give off more of a european vibe and thats an aesthetic that i personally love to shoot. Utilize venues to make the most of your area and capture things that inspire you more and  that will still market to your area. This takes research and time and also connection building, but styled shoots have helped me along the way shoot more of with my ideal shooting situations! 

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Julia Poole